NIH Technology Transfer Newsletters

Published quarterly under the guidance and stewardship of the OTT Marketing Group, the NIH Technology Transfer Community Newsletter seeks to capture and reflect the dynamic and public health oriented activities of our ever-growing technology transfer community here at NIH.  

Ideas and contributions for future issues are most welcome – please reach out to us at


Q3 2024





Q2 2024





Q1 2024

Cover of Q1 2024 newsletter





Q4 2023

Cover of Q4 2023 Technology Transfer Community Newsletter

Q3 2023

Cover of Q3 2023 Technology Transfer Community Newsletter


Q2 2023

Cover Image of Q2 2023 Newsletter

Q1 2023

First page of Q1 2023 Newsletter


Q4 2022


Q3 2022




Q2 2022




Q1 2022




Q4 2021


Newsletter Archive