Technology ID

Novel Fourth Human Ebolavirus species, <em>Bundibugyo ebolavirus</em> – Compositions and Methods for Vaccine, Therapeutics and Highly Sensitive Diagnostic Assay Development

Lead Inventor
Towner, Jonathan (CDC)
Rollin, Pierre (CDC)
Ksiazek, Thomas (CDC)
Nichol, Stuart (CDC)
Comer, James (CDC)
Research Materials
Therapeutic Areas
Infectious Disease
Development Stages
Pre-Clinical (in vitro)
Research Products
Lead IC
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a disease caused by infection with viruses from the family Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus. Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 in Africa and has since caused numerous outbreaks throughout the continent including the largest outbreak in history in West Africa during 2014-2016. Previously, there were three identified Ebolavirus species which were known to cause disease in humans: Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus); Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus); and Tai Forest virus (Tai Forest ebolavirus). CDC discovered a fourth novel virus, first identified in Uganda, Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). This virus species is significantly different from other ebolaviruses previously identified, therefore, current genetic-based (RT-PCR) assays may fail.

CDC’s technology includes compositions and methods for nucleic and immunological protection from, detection of, and treatment of EVD caused by Bundibugyo virus. Uses of this technology could include a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus-Bundibugyo virus (rVSV-BDBV) construct for vaccine development. Such a rVSV-BDBV construct could be created on the same VSV platform as other vaccine candidates for Ebola virus, which could then be combined to create a multivalent Ebola vaccine. Identification of the immunogenic region will allow for the rapid development of commercial and non-commercial ebolavirus vaccines. This technology also includes primer sequences for assays to detect BDBV. Additional animal model testing is planned.
Commercial Applications
  • Vaccines against Bundibugyo virus – both preventive and prophylactic if high risk
  • Vaccine for biodefense purposes
  • Nucleic acid-based assays such as real-time RT-PCR and antibody-based (i.e., ELISA) assays for detection of Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus) infection
  • Can be useful in more generalized diagnostic assay development to detect all ebolaviruses or filoviruses
  • Treatments to neutralize Bundibugyo virus
  • Vaccine candidate and antiviral efficacy testing in animal models
Competitive Advantages
  • Vaccine constructs using Bundibugyo virus sequences can be built on the same platform as existing vaccines to other Ebola virus species
  • Knowledge of the surface glycoprotein amino acid sequence will be particularly useful because it is the primary target of a number of commercial and non-commercial ebolavirus vaccine strategies currently in development
  • Inclusion of the novel Bundibugyo virus in the development of vaccines and treatments against ebolaviruses would increase the robustness of countermeasures against EVD outbreaks and potential bio-terrorism threats
  • Potential therapeutic against new ebolavirus species
  • Highly specific and sensitive for Bundibugyo virus infection
Licensing Contact:
Mitzelfelt, Jeremiah