Technology ID

TL1A Transgenic Mice for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Allergic-Type Immune Responses

Lead Inventor
Siegel, Richard (NIAMS)
Meylan, Francoise (NIAMS)
Research Materials
Development Status
In vivo data available (animal)
Lead IC
TL1A is a TNF family cytokine that co-stimulates T-cell proliferation and cytokine production through its interactions with the TNF family receptor DR3. TL1A-DR3 interactions have been shown to be important for the development of autoimmune inflammatory diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

In order to probe the role of TL1A-DR3 interactions in IBD, NIAMS inventors have developed transgenic mice that constitutively express TL1A in T cells or in dendritic cells. These mice spontaneously develop inflammatory small bowel pathology that is IL-13 dependent, and that closely resembles intestinal responses to allergens and to nematode infection.

These mice represent a unique model for the study of IBD, and in particular, the role of IL-13 in the development of this disease. They may also be used as a platform for investigating agents that block TL1A-DR3 interactions and the pathology associated with chronic TL1A expression.
Commercial Applications
  • Studies of small bowel inflammation/IBD
  • Studies of the role of TL1A-DR3 interactions in the development of autoimmune inflammatory disease
  • Investigation of TL1A-DR3 blocking agents for the treatment of IBD or other TL1A-DR3 dependent diseases
Competitive Advantages
  • Lines available with transgene expressed in T cells (under CD2 promoter) or dendritic cells (CD11c promoter)
  • Models are IL-13 dependent
  • No major defects in systemic immunity
Licensing Contact:
Shmilovich, Michael