Presentations and Articles

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NIH Technology Transfer Training
This training is mandatory for the following groups at NIH:
(NOTE: This link will only work from within NIH firewall)

  • All Principal Investigators (Senior Investigators, Investigators,
    Adjunct Investigators, Senior Scientists/Clinicians, and
    Assistant Clinical Investigators )
  • Fellows
  • Graduate Students
  • Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians


Will AI Shape The Future Of Technology Transfer?
Berna Uygur, Steven Ferguson, 
les Nouvelles Vol. LIX No. 1 2024, March; 1-11
Licensing to Improve Global Access to Medicines During Public health Emergencies and Beyond
Ami Gadhia, Steven Ferguson, Mark Rohrbaugh
LES Viewpoints Vol. XXXI No. 1 2023 May; 1-3
Role of Global Public Sector Research in Discovering New Drugs and Vaccines
Ashley J. Stevens, David E. Benson, Sara E. Dodson, Jonathan J. Jensen, Mark L. Rohrbaugh
The Journal of Technology Transfer (2023)
An Early TTO for U.S. Federal Labs - The National Technical Information Service
Steven Ferguson
Les Nouvelles Vol LVIII no 1. 2023 Mar; 93-95
NCATS Breaks the Mold: Case Studies of Unique Tech Transfer Mechanisms
Ami D. Gadhia, Rebecca A. Erwin-Cohen, Krishna (Balki) Balakrishnan, Lili M. Portilla
Technology Transfer Tactics. 2022 Sep; 154-158
Hiding in Plain Sight: Surprising Pharma and Biotech Connections to NIH's National Cancer Institute
Berna Uygur, Steven Ferguson, and Michael Pollack
J Commer Biotechnol. 2022 Jul 17; 27(2): 5–13.
Considerations for Potential Global Expansion of Serum Institute of India
Veena Somasundaram, Peter Soukas, Jenish Patel, and Steven Ferguson
2021 Dec; 26(4): 10.5912/jcb1006
Guide to Federal Technology Transfer in Maryland
Maryland Department of Economic Development
2021 Jul
OSA/NCATS Workshop: Expectations and Impact of TTImage:WWW
OSA/NCATS Workshop: Innovation In and Measuring TTImage:WWW
The U.S. National Institutes of Health – Founding A National Biomedical “Innovation Ecosystem”
Steven M. Ferguson and Lynn Johnson Langer
J Commer Biotechnol. 2021 Mar; 26(1): 72–82.
Licensing the Technology: Biotechnology Commercialization Strategies Using University and Federal Labs (2nd Edition)
Steven M. Ferguson and Uma S. Kaundinya
In: Craig Shimasaki, ed. Biotechnology Entrepreneurship: Starting, Managing, and Leading Biotech Companies. (Elsevier Inc.) 2020:199-222.
I-Corps at NIH: Entrepreneurial Training Program Creating Successful Small Businesses
Christie A Canaria, Lili Portilla, Michael Weingarten
Clin Transl Sci. 2019 Jul;12(4):324-328
Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer 
Bruce Goldstein
In: JI Gallin, FP Ognibene, LL Johnson, eds. Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (Fourth Edition). (Academic Press/Elsevier Inc.) 2017:447–529.
A Guide to Time Lag and Time Lag Shortening Strategies in Oncology-Based Drug Development
Berna Uygur, Josh Duberman, and Steven M. Ferguson
J Commer Biotechnol. 2017 May;23(2):75-81.
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Beyond Hybrid Licenses—Strategies for Post Patent Expiration Payments in the United States
Patrick Gattari, Steven Ferguson, David Crichton, and Bryan Helwig
les Nouvelles. 2017 Mar;52(1):31-6.
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How SBIR and STTR Can Support Women in Biotech Funding for Innovation from NIH’s Small Business Programs  
Interview with Lili Portilla
In: Association for Women in Science, 2017;49:36-27
The Commercialization of New Drugs and Vaccines Discovered in Public Sector Research
Stevens, A.J., Jensen, J.J., Wyller, K., Kilgore, P.C., London, E., Zhang, Q., Chatterjee, S., and Rohrbaugh, M.L,
In: S.M. Breznitz and H. Etzkowitz, eds., Routledge, University Technology Transfer: The Globalization of Academic Innovation, 2016:102-145
NIH Inventions Translate into Drugs and Biologics with High Public Health Impact 
Sabarni K. Chatterjee and Mark L. Rohrbaugh
Nat Biotechnol. 2014 Jan 9;32(1):52-58.
Collaborative Development of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin for the Treatment of Niemann-Pick Type C1 Disease 
Lili Portilla 
Curr Top Med Chem. 2014;14(3):330-339
Leveraging Public Private Partnerships to Innovate Under Challenging Budget Times 
Lili Portilla and Mark L. Rohrbaugh 
Curr Top Med Chem. 2014;14(3):326-329               
If The Sky Were The Limit, What Would You Do In Technology Transfer?
Gary Keller, Fizie Haleem, Steven Ferguson, Al Jordan, and Cheryl Cejka
les Nouvelles. 2013 Mar;47(1):66-70.
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Intellectual Property Claims to Stem Cell Technologies: Research Clinical Testing and Product Sales
Hammersla, A.M. and Rohrbaugh, M.L.,
In: Progenitor and Stem Cell Technologies and Therapies, A. Atala, ed., Woodhead Publishing Ltd. 2012
Stem Cell Patents: What Every Researcher Should Know
Mark L. Rohrbaugh
In: Human Stem Cell Manual: A Laboratory Guide, JF Loring, SE Peterson, eds., Elsevier Press 2012;2
Partnering with the NIH: Now part of the "Value Proposition" for start-ups
Steven M. Ferguson
J Commer Biotechnol. 2012 Apr 1;18(2):60-67.
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License Compliance Issues for Biopharmaceuticals: Special Challenges for Negotiations between Companies and Non-Profit Research Institutions
Todd A. Ponzio, Hans Feindt, and Steven M. Ferguson
les Nouvelles, 2011 Sep;46(3):216-25.
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The Role of Public-Sector Research in the Discovery of Drugs and Vaccines
Ashley J. Stevens, Jonathan J. Jensen, Katrine Wyller, Patrick C. Kilgore, Sabarni Chatterjee, and Mark L. Rohrbaugh
N Engl J Med. 2011 Feb 10;364(6):535-41.


Presentations & Articles Archive