NCI and the Frederick National Laboratory Wins Economic Development Award
The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Technology Transfer Center (TTC) has taken home a State and Local Economic Development award from the 2021 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) awards. NIH was awarded six of the 33 awards across nine different technology transfer categories, in addition to a COVID-19 Response award, that the FLC gave out. The FLC supports federal laboratories, agencies, and research centers by encouraging commercialization best practices and creating opportunities to move federal technologies from the labs and into the marketplace and each year rewards the technology transfer work that makes the largest impact.
The NCI TTC started a yearly event in 2017 with the Frederick National Laboratory (FNL) to highlight technologies and inventions available for licensing and collaboration. Hosting the event at FNL allowed everyone to take advantage of the regional resources and relationships that the City and County of Frederick have. In the years since its inception, the Tech Showcase has highlighted 86 cancer technologies, 34 investigators have presented their technologies, many relationships were established, and several regional biotechs have shared their experience in partnering with the federal government. Hosting this yearly showcase has increased awareness with regional stakeholders on how they can partner with NCI and FNL. For their work on the “Annual National Cancer Institute and Frederick National Laboratory Technology Showcase”, they have won the State and Local Economic Development award.
Technologies available to license from NCI can be found here.